
Keploy Plugin

5 (1)4

Selenium extension to automatically record and mock the backend calls using Keploy for testing. This requires keploy server running.

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Full Description

Selenium extension to automatically record and mock the backend calls using Keploy for testing. This requires keploy server running.

The Keploy browser extension in an open source plugin that enables Selenium IDE developers to record and replay Infrastructure (API, DB calls). It records these calls automatically while test-cases are being captured. For detailed usage guide please refer - https://github.com/keploy/browser-extension

Please file feature requests or issues at the GitHub repo - https://github.com/keploy/browser-extension

If you need more immediate assistance please join our slack channel and ask your query on the general or support channels - https://join.slack.com/t/keploy/shared_invite/zt-12rfbvc01-o54cOG0X1G6eVJTuI_orSA