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Redact political garbage. Hide partisan language, avoid aggravation, and let the ideas shine through!

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Redact political garbage. Hide partisan language, avoid aggravation, and let the ideas shine through!

1. the choice and use of words and phrases in speech or writing.
  "Wordsworth campaigned against exaggerated poetic diction"

How much of the content you read is meant to enlighten you and how much is meant to tweak your emotions? Redact inflammatory words, rhetoric, and names and see if there are any ideas left on the screen. You can highlight the redicted text to see what is hidden. 

We use the words "Redict" or "Redicted" to describe hiding the unsavory words used to encourage an emotion. It is a play on the word Redact, which of course, is exactly what we are doing.

Maintain your own words in the settings. New words can be added from our servers, as the aggravating trends change.

Pro Tip: Select the Redicted text with your mouse to lighten the background and read what is hidden underneath.