
Twitch Multitasker

3.7 (3)184Featured

View and Browse at the same time

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Additional Information

Category:Just for Fun
Publisher:Josh Sanderson

Full Description

View and Browse at the same time

Watch and chat in two Twitch streams at once while still allowing for browsing Twitch on the left half of the screen.

While watching a stream type any stream name into the search bar and click the dual screen button to the right of the search button. If the search bar is empty and you click the split screen button it will return to single stream view.

Once the double stream view is open you can toggle the chat on the left side with the button to the right of the split screen button.

While in the split screen view browsing and searching is still possible and will show up on the left side display, the only way to change/remove the stream and chat on the right side is to use the search bar and buttons on the right of the search bar.

A twitch account MUST be signed in or the option will not show.