
Secure Shell

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Terminal emulator and SSH and SFTP client.

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Full Description

Terminal emulator and SSH and SFTP client.

Secure Shell is an xterm-compatible terminal emulator and stand-alone ssh client for Chrome.  It uses Native-Client to connect directly to ssh servers without the need for external proxies.

A SFTP command line client is included.  On ChromeOS, you can create SFTP mounts and access them from the Files app!

An alpha build of Mosh is included now too.

It has been well tested for a couple of years.

Please read the FAQ, available here: https://hterm.org/x/ssh/faq.
You can also exchange feedback in the chromium-hterm mailing list, available here: https://hterm.org/x/ssh/contact.

The changelog is available here: https://hterm.org/x/ssh/changelog