
Ziplyne APAC Creator

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Create in-app guide experience on any platform (3rd Party or Your Own)

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Full Description

Create in-app guide experience on any platform (3rd Party or Your Own)

Create/Record a Zip (guided step-by-step experience) at your Enterprise on any Web-based Site, Application, or Platform.

Ziplyne is your interactive guide on the side that layers on top of any Web-based Software.

Meet your users where they are. Give them help for Onboarding, Training and Support for any digital business process.

Target guides to be in-app and contextualized to each user’s role/persona

This is the Ziplyne Production Creator, reach out to sales@ziplyne.com if you have any questions. And Support@ziplyne.com if you need technical assistance that your Ziplyne internal admin at your company, cannot help you with.

Google Chrome Store V3 Compatibility