
Earthquake Monitor

3.9 (60)10,000+

Shows earthquakes from USGS, GeoNet, BGS, GeoScience Australia and EMCS on a Google Maps backdrop.

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Shows earthquakes from USGS, GeoNet, BGS, GeoScience Australia and EMCS on a Google Maps backdrop.

Monitor earthquakes around the world including US Geological Survey, New Zealand GeoNet, UK BGS, EMCS, Natural Resources Canada, Indonesia Tsunami Early Warning, GFZ Potsdam, National Observatory of Athens,Istituto Nazionale Di Geofisica E Vulcanologia, and Geoscience Australia. It shows earthquake icons with tool tips on a Google Maps backdrop. The icon will look more transparent the older the event was published. There is also a list view which can be used to sort the earthquake events according to the date/time, region, and disaster type. Clicking on the icon will bring up more details about the event.