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Capture visual bugs and report it to redmine.

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Full Description

Capture visual bugs and report it to redmine.

Website testing made easier: BugShot for Redmine makes reporting bugs straightforward and convenient. Thanks to a minimal workflow, BugShot for Redmine helps save valuable time when testing websites.

Just add BugShot for Redmine to your Chrome Extensions, and check "Enable REST web service" once in the Redmine settings under API.
Enter the url of your Redmine and log in with your account. Username and password have to be entered only once, because BugShot reads the Api Key of the user from Redmine with this data and stores it encrypted. BugShot then uses the Api Key for further communication with Redmine.

Create a reference ticket with the parameters of the website to be tested and the default template is already created in Redmine for each error found. Of course, additional tickets can be created or existing tickets can be used as reference. 
Detected bugs can now be captured using the BugShot button or shortcut (Windows/Linux Shift+Ctrl+S and Mac Shift+Command+S) and the generated screenshot can be commented directly using the paint and label function.

Now just fill in the subject and description of the error and submit it.

The created ticket can then be viewed in Redmine. Benefit: URL and browser resolution will no longer be forgotten in the future, because Bugshot automatically attaches this information to the ticket.


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