
Tab Manager

3.7 (10)1,000+Featured

Easily organize all your open tabs in multiple windows from toolbar popup!

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Full Description

Easily organize all your open tabs in multiple windows from toolbar popup!

This extension is designed to organize tabs from the toolbar popup. The UI for the extension can also be opened in a standalone popup window or a new tab (choose an item from the toolbar button context-menu). Tab Manager add-on supports multi-window and incognito mode. 

To work with this addon, just open the extension UI and start managing your tabs. Within the UI you can see a search bar at the bottom. Above that, there is the list of open tabs for window #1 (a new section is added for each new window). Within each row (tab item) in the list, there are several buttons. The first is the pin button which can be used to pin a desired tab(s). Next is the HTTP/HTTPS sign which shows if a website supports SSL protocol or not. The third icon is the tab icon which updates automatically depending on the tab URL. You can see the tab title right after the tab icon. There are also two buttons on the right side for editing or removing the current item. Please note that within the extension interface, all tab items are draggable. Once you drag an item, the actual tab will be re-positioned as well.

To report bugs, please fill out the bug report form on the addon's homepage (https://mybrowseraddon.com/tab-manager.html).