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Remove Trigger-inducing content from pages

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Full Description

Remove Trigger-inducing content from pages

A Browser Extension that removes triggering content from pages based on words matching with Trigger Word lists. Works both on Firefox and Chrome (and possibly others).

One can create personal lists of words to avoid or use preset lists available in the extension.

When/Why to use this Extension

In case you are struggling and/or recovering from a mental condition or addiction that is reinforced by External or Trauma triggers. Such conditions are:

*  Addictions: Alcoholism, Drug Addictions
*  Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
*  Eating Disorders (ED) 

As these conditions can be fueled by triggers, facing one while off-guard (e.g: while casually browsing) can cause stress, spiraling and thoughts of relapse.

There are several places that can serve triggering content without explicitly searching for it (looking at you Youtube Related Videos), and these places have been targeted first by this Extension.